Enlarge all patterns approximately 800%. This will vary depending on how you print out pattern. See measurement on flower pattern A to determine your enlargement. Place pattern A on fold of pattern paper and cut out one whole flower pattern.
Cut with right sides together:
Pattern A, 2 dark yellow
Pattern A, 1 batting
Pattern B, 2 dark yellow
Pattern B, 2 light yellow
Pattern C, 2 green
Note: sew all seams 1/4" to 3/8" from edge.
With wrong sides of flower pieced together and batting between layers, sew all around.
With wrong sides of petals pieced together, sew around each set. Make sets of one light and one dark yellow petal.
With wrong sides of stem pieced together, sew around all stem pieces, adding some batting for dimension, if desired.
Layer all pieces as pictured. Pin in place and sew around outside edges.