Two 28" x 49" (71 x 125cm) thick terry cloth bath towels
One 26" x 47" (66 x 120 cm) 1" or 1½" (2.5 or 3.8cm) thick foam cushion-cut to order at many fabric/upholstery stores
Two 30" (76cm) elasticized trim strips 2" (5cm) wide
Assemble: With right sides together, pin towels along 3 sides. Stitch ¼" (6mm) seam allowances along pinned edges. Trim corners. Turn right side out. Insert foam cushion. Slipstitch open end closed.
Optional: For easy laundering, apply a zipper, snap tape or Velcro across the opening instead of stitching it closed.
Bands: With right sides together, whipstitch raw ends of elastic strips forming circular bands. Turn and slide 1 band over each end of rolled mat.